Field Trips

Explore science through education with field trips to the Science Museum

Book your field trip to the Science Museum of Minnesota today!

At the Science Museum, learners will find interactive exhibits filled with stories about science, cultures, discoveries, and the people who observe and analyze our world.

From exhibits like RACE: Are We So Different, which shares the lived experiences and history of people of color and the science behind race, to the Dinosaurs & Fossils gallery, where fossil remains showcase the scale and biodiversity of ancient life on Earth, K–12 field trip groups have the opportunity to engage with one another and spark a lifelong love of science. Educators can pick which permanent and/or traveling exhibits their classes will experience during the field trips, which can help tailor the students’ experiences to learning objects and other goals. 

In addition to exciting exhibits, your class can also experience the hard work of our dedicated team of educators in the form of interactive online lessons and educator guides. These supporting materials bring thoughtful questions and activities to the table, adding context and supporting what students learned or will learn during their in-person field trip.

Pricing and access rates

For standard school groups, museum admission costs $10 per student and Omnitheater admission costs $7 per student. For reduced-price eligible school groups, both museum and Omnitheater admission costs $3 per student. 

Chaperone admission is free for groups with a chaperone-to-student ratio of 1:5 or higher. If a group has more than one chaperone per five students, chaperone admission is the same as the student rate. 

Schools with 50% or more of their students approved for free and reduced-price meals are eligible for the reduced-price tickets.

Learn more about pricing and access rates.

Book a field trip to the Science Museum of Minnesota

If you’d like to book a field trip for your class, you can call us at (651) 221-9444.

Learn more about booking a field trip.