The J.W.G. Dunn Research Library was funded by Minnesota historian James Taylor Dunn in memory of his father. John Warner Grigg Dunn, a St. Paul businessman, spent summers with his family on the St. Croix River just north of the village of Marine on St. Croix. He kept detailed diaries and photographic journals of life on the river, beginning in 1912. Copies of his photographs, along with Dunn's personal collection of books on nature and outdoor life, are a special holding of the research library.
The J.W.G. Dunn Research Library
St. Croix Watershed Research Station
The collections of the Dunn Library include historical items, scientific journals and reference books, agency and governmental reports on the St. Croix River and watershed, maps, photographs, slides and audio visual materials. All collections are computerized for efficient searching.Collections are used on-site by staff, visiting scientists, students, and the general public by appointment. Items at university or public libraries are available through inter-library loan, and the library has computer connections for searching other sites.Maps of the St. Croix River, dating as early as 1912, are a key component of the collections. Multiple copies of USGS topographical maps of the entire St. Croix River watershed are available for research use.Agency and governmental reports in the library include those from both Wisconsin and Minnesota Departments of Natural Resources; the National Park Service St. Croix National Scenic Riverway; the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; the Minnesota-Wisconsin Boundary Area Commission; the Metropolitan Council; the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Department of Agriculture, among others.
Library Journals
The Hollinshead Research Journal Collection consists of nearly 50 current scientific journals and periodicals. Subjects include limnology, ecology, biology, hydrology, geology and geochemistry, restoration science, water quality, and general scientific periodicals such as Science and Nature. Journal holdings are supported through a gift from Dr. William Hollinshead and family.
Current holdings of the Hollinshead Research Journal Collection:
American Scientist
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Conservation Biology
Ecological Applications
Ecological Monographs
Ecological Restoration
Environmental Science and Technology
Freshwater Biology
Geological Society of America Bulletin
Ground Water
Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation
The Holocene
International Association of Theorectical & Applied Limnology
Journal of Ecology
Journal of Environmental Quality
Journal of Paleolimnology
Journal of the American Water Resources Association
Journal of the North American Benthological Society
Lake and Reservoir Management
Landscape Ecology
Limnology and Oceanography
Natural Areas Journal
Physics Today
Prairie Naturalist
Quaternary Research
Restoration Ecology
Soil Science Society of America Journal
Water Resources Impact
Water Resources Research
Wetlands (Journal and Bulletin)