Our Biology Department studies and shares the incredible diversity of life found on our planet. From rare bugs to snake skins to local birds and more, it’s truly astounding to see the many forms nature takes. The museum’s biology collection boasts over 170,000 specimens from around the globe including the largest collection of mammals in Minnesota and even a two-headed snapping turtle with quite a history.
The science of life
Highlights of our biology collection
Mammalogy (mammals): 50,000 specimens, including study skins, flat skins, osteological and fluid specimens
Ornithology (birds): osteological specimens and 1,300 study skins
Herpetology (reptiles and amphibians) and ichthyology (fishes): 1,000 fluid and osteological specimens
Entomology (insects and other arthropods): 40,000 pinned specimens
Aquatic invertebrates: 80,000 marine and freshwater bivalves, fluid mollusks, and fairy shrimp
Botany & ethnobotany (plants): 1,000 herbarium specimens.
One species of mammal new to Minnesota (the smoky shrew, Sorex fumeus), which is only represented in Minnesota collections by the 50+ specimens preserved at the museum
The largest collection of mammal specimens in Minnesota (including specimens in fluid)
A two-headed snapping turtle named Emily, which had a well-documented history and a popular following of museum visitors