Think about the future and plant some trees!
It may seem premature to raise an idea for how to memorialize a disaster that is still unfolding, but crises need to be responded to both by direct action and by symbols of resilience, and here is one that could endure far into the future: plant a tree.
Here are several reasons why:
It will become a lasting and growing reminder in the coming years and decades about how in the midst of a time of great uncertainty we were still able to envision a better future.
We need to dramatically increase our planting of trees on public and private property to compensate for the enormous loss of ash trees we are suffering from emerald ash borer.
Our nurseries and garden centers badly need your business. (You may need to check which are considered "essential" if you’re under a shelter-in-place order.)
Uncertain about what to plant where? The University of Minnesota Extension has a plant selection program for Upper Midwest landscapes at www.landscapeplants.extension.umn.edu/. Create an account and then use it to help you narrow down your options!