How to encourage birding for kids
Birding is a great activity for families to enjoy together. No one has to be an expert, and there is no level of knowledge that you have to have before you start. This is an adventure you can be on together. Birding isn’t the only skill that can be learned, either. Being able to connect concepts such as seasons and patterns and develop math and investigative skills are crucial in feeling a part of the world around us.
There are lots of resources that you can consult before you head outside. The most important thing to remember is that this is a way to encourage discovery—and don’t forget to share what you experienced with us on social media using #ShareYourDiscovery.
Audubon provides some great tips for getting kids started with birding, including what to look for, a DIY binocular tutorial, and more.
Youth Bird Clubs are great ways to connect kids to birds – and each other. I was a co-leader of one in south Minneapolis for a number of years, and the confidence and social skills I watched the kids develop goes way beyond even the critical thinking and observation skills they developed. Here is a website that has some considerations and resources as you plan to start a birding club.
You can try out these outings and activities year-round, too. Birds are a great way to connect us to our environment and to each other.