Minnesota’s Greatest Environmental Investment

Did you know: you’ve had a positive impact on our environment? 

Since 1991 Minnesotans, through the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF), have provided $1.1 billion to over 1,700 projects in the state. These projects range in geography and fields of study. But they all have one thing in common: preserving, protecting and maintaining Minnesota’s natural resources. These videos feature eight of those projects, highlighting the positive and multi-generational impact your trust fund dollars have in our state. 

These videos are a portion of a larger story map which features 100 ENRTF projects from every corner of the state, debuting in 2026.

Harmful Algal Blooms in Pristine Lakes

Getting to the bottom of a mystery on top of the lakes

Algae is essential to aquatic habitats. But harmful cyanobacteria that act like algae sprout in wilderness lakes. Scientists monitor lake health to understand why this happens in such remote areas. 

Voyageurs Wolf Project

Tracking the impact of northern wolves

Wolves are harder to track in Minnesota’s dense northern woodlands. Innovative cameras and GPS collars help researchers understand wolves and their impact on the larger ecosystem.

Environmental Learning Centers

Instilling a commitment to nature

Outdoor schools foster valuable experiences for learners from many backgrounds

Environmental learning enhances overall wellbeing and broadens educational opportunities.

Toxic Chemicals in Our Ecosystem

Turning science into legislation

Triclosan was a chemical found in everyday products, but it pollutes waters and creates harmful dioxins. Scientific discovery paves the way towards meaningful action against its use. 

Superior Hiking Trail

Protecting footpaths on the North Shore

Visitors rely on the Superior Hiking Trail Association to provide vital information and maintenance of the 300-mile Lake Superior trail and its infrastructure. 

Water Quality from 55 Lake Beds

Studying mud from the past–for the future

Early funding to study mercury pollution results in an archive of mud cores from lakebeds. Some mud dates back centuries and is used for ongoing projects to understand water quality trends. 

Lifelong Learning at the Science Museum of Minnesota

Discovering on your own terms

Informal learning projects at the Science Museum of Minnesota connect visitors to water that affects us all–and the water we all affect. 

Freshwater Mussels

Doing the heavy lifting

Minnesota has 51 native freshwater mussels that help filter water and kickstart aquatic food chains. Half of them are imperiled, so the Center for Aquatic Mollusk Programs are restoring mussel populations.