The Idea - Conversations: Conversations about race

Thank you for continuing the conversation. Before you start, take a moment to create an inclusive place, that supports engagement for everyone involved, by setting your conversation standards with each other.

  • Listen to understand

  • Share your truth

  • Expect discomfort

  • Do not try to fix anything

  • Speak from personal experience

  • What is said stays in the room. What is learned leaves the room. 

Prompt One

The female character, Erin, does not ask for consent to have this conversation about race with Dan. In fact, Dan tells her numerous times that he does not want to have the conversation at this time and she ignores his requests.

  • How could Erin have approached the conversation differently?

  • How do you think Dan felt after Erin refused to drop the conversation?

  • When and where is the right time to talk about race and equity?

Prompt Two

“The price of privilege is the moral duty to act when one sees another person treated unfairly.” Isabel Wilkerson. The term “ally” is often used in equity work to describe a supportive relationship. The female character, Erin, would describe herself as an ally.

  • Where does Erin fail to be an ally?

  • What does the word “ally” mean to you? 

  • What other words would you use to describe an ally?

  • How have allies shown up for you? 

  • How have allies let you down?

  • If you identify as white, do you hold other white people accountable when people of color are not in the room?

  • Reflect on a time when you or others have failed to act as an ally.

Prompt Three

People who were forced into enslavement, and Indigenous people, had their country of origin, heritage and culture stolen from them. Dan states that the idea of race is wrapped up in everything he experiences in his culture and heritage.

  • How does this align with your experience of culture and heritage?

  • How does this differ with your experience of culture and heritage?

Prompt Four

The character Dan says that all our institutions were built around the idea of racial hierarchy. Science fields and museums still contend with this legacy.

  • What types of changes would you like to see in our systems and institutions?

Prompt Four

The characters speak about how historically some scientists played a large role in promoting the idea of race.

  • Can science fields ever rectify or put right the shameful history of some scientists and institutions? 

  • If so, how?

  • If not, why not?

What is your statement of hope for the future for racial equality? 

What is your statement of hope for the future for racial equality? 

Thank you for being part of the conversation. We hope you’ll continue the conversation.

For further exploration & conversations: