Museum Nights

Make the Science Museum your weekend night destination! 

Fridays, 5-8 p.m.

Weekend nights are the perfect time for a museum adventure! Explore museum galleries, check out special Science Live performances, enjoy delectable food and drink, then catch an Omnitheater showing of our latest large-screen offering. 

Here’s what’s cooking at Museum Nights:  

Science Live presents: Science Spectacle!

5:15 and 6:15 p.m.

Enjoy live science performances featuring fire demonstrations, ultra-cold liquid nitrogen, and rockets on our Atrium Stage. Level 3 Atrium

Science Live presents: Trivia: The Science of Sex

7:15 p.m.

Pub trivia’s science sibling, a game of fun-filled fact-finding featuring different themes each season.
Currently: Find out what makes us feel during Trivia: The Science of Sex. (Adults Only) Omnitheater Lobby, Level 5

Museum Night movies

5, 6, and 7 p.m.

Our evening Omnitheater showings are the best way to kick back after a busy day of museum meandering. See Extreme Weather and National Parks Adventure. Omnitheater

While you're in the area...

One-up that competitive friend in Sportsology

Sneak some candy from the Explore Store into the theater.* 

Go back to science class in the Experiment Gallery

Sip on adult beverages and snack on adventurous bites from The Cafe.

Ask the big questions in RACE: Are We So Different?

A couple wears museum t-shirts featuring the giant astronaut.

Snap the perfect post-worthy pic in front of the Giant Astronaut.

*No need to sneak it in — Explore Store and cafe snacks are welcome in the Omnitheater!