Post-Visit Activity: Construct a Goal Post

STEM Specialist Activity | STEM Career Connection: Structural Engineer

Challenge your students to plan, build, test, and refine a goal post like the ones at U.S. Bank Stadium during Minnesota Vikings football season.

Suggested Materials:

  • Paper

  • Pencil

  • Toilet paper tubes

  • Paper towel tubes

  • Craft sticks

  • Tape

  • Construction paper

Additional Possible Materials:

  • Straws

  • Modeling clay

  • Index cards

  • Aluminum foil

  • Skewers or dowels

  • Pipe cleaners

  • Cardboard 


  • What materials will be best to make the base of the goal post? 

  • What materials will be best to make the “arms” of the goal post?

  • How will you make sure that the goal post stands on its own?


  • What do you need to think about in order to engineer a goal post that stands up?


  • “Buffet Style” materials:

    • Students sketch a design and label the parts and materials they’ll need.

    • Students collect their materials, following their material list, and start building!

    • With leftover construction paper, students can fold a football (you’ll find a video tutorial in the Resources section) and test their goal post.

  • Limited material building challenge:

    • Hand out a tray of materials. Example: two toilet paper rolls, a paper towel roll, four popsicle sticks, a piece of construction paper (8x11.5), and 12 inches of tape.

    • Ask students to sketch a design for their goal post and start building!

    • With leftover construction paper, students can fold a football  (you’ll find a video tutorial in the Resources section) and test their goal post.


  • What materials were easier to work with? What materials were difficult to work with? Why?

  • What challenges did you encounter when building your goal post? How did you overcome those challenges?

  • What would you change to improve your goal post? Why?


  • If you try scaling up the size of the goal post, what new challenges will you face?

  • Time challenge: Add a time constraint to the “Limited material building challenge” above.

  • Explore different materials to increase the accuracy of the flicking football.
