Post-Visit Activity: Stadium Art Installation

Art Activity | STEM Career Connection: Visual Artist

During your Vikings Voyage, encourage your students to take special note of the art they see around U.S. Bank Stadium. This activity invites students to create their own art pieces using similar techniques. Refer back to the pieces in the Stadium Photos.  


  • Teacher’s discretion


What themes, or elements of art, do you expect to find in the different art pieces?


What tools could you use to compare and contrast the elements of art throughout the stadium?


  • Have students use venn diagrams or other graphic organizers to compare and contrast two of U.S Bank Stadium’s art installations.

  • Have students choose an art installation as inspiration for their own original work, utilizing art elements found in the inspiration piece.


  • What art installations are your favorites? Why were they your favorites?

  • What caught your attention about this installation?

  • What choices must an artist make before starting their work?

  • Is the artist’s intention behind the work important?

  • Why do you think a piece of art was chosen to be in the stadium? 

