Science Staff Recommendations
We asked Science Museum staff what science-y piece of media they’ve been loving lately, or a community resource/nonprofit they show love to. Here are their responses!
Media we love:
Reply All podcast: Stories about technology and the internet. Suggested by Amanda Rothstein, Senior Membership Manager.
Atlas Obscura podcast on Museum of Quackery and Questionable Medical Devices. Suggested by Jake Schwarzinger, Web UX Designer/Developer.
In Defense of Plants: A botany podcast. Suggested by Chelsea Berryman, Technology Project Manager.
Science Friday podcast. Suggested by Karilyn Robinson, Marketing and Public Relations Specialist, and Mimi Daly Larson, Vice President of Mission Advancement.
I Know Dino: The Big Dinosaur Podcast. Suggested by Barry Gisser, Chief Financial Officer.
Specimen Stories podcast. Suggested by Aleah Vinick, Events & Program Manager.
The Directory of Open Access Journals and It’s Okay to be Smart, which can be accessed on both YouTube and PBS Digital. Suggested by Laramie Roecker, Public Safety Manager.
Hidden Brain with Shankar Vedantam. Suggested by Zdanna King, Assistant Manager of Evaluation and Research and Laurie Fink, Chair of Science.
Ologies podcast. Suggested by Demetrios Vital, Professional Development Specialist.
Brains On! podcast: For kids and curious adults. Suggested by Amber Stevenson, Director of Traveling Exhibits and Exhibit Sales.
Particularly the BrainsOn! episode on SMM & APM/MPR’s NSF-funded Coronavirus research. Suggested by Kelly Lopez Hillard, Grants Specialist.
Science History Institute website: This story on the history of quackery is of special interest to me because of our Questionable Medical Devices collection and Weighing the Evidence exhibition. Suggested by Bette Schmit, Director of Experience Planning and Development.
Kurzgesagt. Suggested by Vincent Harrison, Visitor Relations.
Organizations we love:
Friends School of MN, and especially their annual plant sale at the state fairgrounds, where they have a lot of bee- and butterfly-friendly options. Suggested by Evelyn Christian Ronning, Research and Evaluation Associate.
Portico Healthnet: Their mission is essential for healthy communities: “Advancing equitable access to health coverage for all Minnesotans.” Suggested by Jana Hayden-Sofio, Visitor Experience Facilitator.
The DRAWdown Design Project. Suggested by Demetrios Vital.
Animal Ark Minnesota. Suggested by Melissa Hicks, Executive Assistant to President and CEO.
Twin Cities in Motion. Suggested by Barry Gisser.
Women Winning. Suggested by Amanda Rothstein and Mimi Larson.
Bundles of Love. Suggested by Ronda Maurer, Director of Visitor Relations.