Share your favorite museum moment
Since 1907, the Science Museum of Minnesota has been a gathering place for all kinds of learners—kids, adults, and everyone in between—to explore exhibits and make discoveries of their own.
The Science Museum has a special place in many peoples’ hearts. From trading in nature finds at the Collectors' Corner to racing TC Bear in Sportsology, there are so many opportunities to make memories with family and friends at the museum.
To celebrate our birthday on January 11, we want to hear from you: what is one of your favorite museum moments?

Share what makes the museum special to you
Did you take a selfie with the giant astronaut, learn something new about something very old in our Dinosaurs & Fossils gallery, or try out a fun activity at the museum or on our website?
Whatever your experience, we hope you’ll fill in the downloadable activity sheet below and tell us all about it. You can add your memory as a photo, drawing, poem, or whatever art form you like. The sheet can be printed out or edited digitally. There is also space to write in why this museum moment was your fav, too!
We're missing our visitors during our pandemic-related closure, and we're excited to see your favorite moments from the museum. Tag us on social media @sciencemuseummn or send us an email at social@smm.org to show us your filled-in museum moment sheet.