image of Mark Dahlager at Museum, updated 11/25/24.

Mark Dahlager - Vice President of Museum Experiences

As Vice President of Museum Experiences, Mark Dahlager leads an innovative area of the museum responsible for exhibits and William L. McKnight-3M Omnitheater offerings that visitors enjoy, as well as planning program themes and experiences that make the museum such an exciting destination. Mark also oversees the Touring Exhibits and Exhibit Sales areas that connect the Science Museum to other institutions around the country, and the globe.

He brings more than 30 years of experience in exhibit development/design and production, and decades of success in project management, strategic thinking, and collaboration. His focus for SMM’s future is to continue to create opportunities for all persons to engage in, learn about, and do science through unique offerings at the Museum.

Some of the recent exhibits that Mark led include Mind MattersSportsologyTheatrical GamingMAYA: Hidden Worlds Revealed and Space: An Out-of-Gravity Experience here at the Science Museum of Minnesota. The Perot Museum of Nature and Science and the California Science Center are examples of projects Mark led across the country. SMM is currently working internationally with The Scientific Center of Kuwait.