Plant for the Future
Grades 7-8
The environment we all share is so important. Find answers to questions like “How is the forest along the Mississippi River being impacted by climate change and what can you do about it?” in this collection of resources. Learn more about the floodplain forest biome and the species that live there. Explore a Plant for the Future project tree site. Investigate ways community science is helping scientists help the forest and how communities can contribute.
Thanks to the generous support of the National Park Foundation, this program is available at no cost to you.
MN Academic Standards
Looking at data and empirical evidence to understand phenomena or solve problems (7L.
Developing possible explanations of phenomena or designing solutions to engineering problems (7L.; 7L.; 7L.; 7L.
Communicating reasons, arguments and ideas to others (7L.; 7L.; 7L.
Learning Goals
Make observations about the floodplain forest biome and the species that currently live there
Investigate the relationship between climate change and the floodplain forest
Understand the need for projects like Plant for the Future
Explore ways in which community science plays a role in helping scientists help the forest
Program Length
Student paced. 20-30-minutes.