Tyrannosaurus rex
Meet Tyrannosaurus rex
Tyrannosaurus rex used its amazingly strong jaws to regularly break and eat bones of other dinosaurs.
Scientists are still trying to determine how fast a T. rex could move, with different studies suggesting anywhere from 11 to 25 miles per hour. The average human running speed is 12 to 15 miles per hour, meaning we still don’t know if most people could outrun a T. rex.
A recent study of the past T. rex populations found that there would have been about 20,000 T. rex individuals alive at any given time at the end of the Cretaceous Period, and as many as 2.5 billion lived on Earth throughout time.
Tyrannosaurus had an amazing sense of smell due to large olfactory bulbs in their brain.
Tyrannosaurus seems to have been smarter than most dinosaurs. One researcher even compared their intelligence to the chimpanzee.
Home Team: Found in the lobby
Size: about 40 feet long, weighing up to eight tons
Era: Cretaceous Period, about 66 million years ago