Meet Triceratops
Triceratops apparently fought with each other often. Most adult Triceratops horns have evidence of rough battles where they scraped so hard they left grooves in the bone itself.
The Triceratops skull at SMM has a healed injury where the right side of its face was punctured by the horn of another Triceratops.
The big frill on the back of its head would have protected its neck from attack from other dinosaurs and the horns of other Triceratops.
Triceratops lived at the same time and place as Tyrannosaurus rex.
Triceratops’ hearing was more tuned to low frequencies, and not high, sharp sounds.
Home Team: Found in Dinosaurs & Fossils Gallery
Size: Up to 30 feet long, weighing up to 13 tons
Era: Cretaceous Period, about 66 million years ago