Illustration of Gigantosaurus


Meet Giganotosaurus

  • Giganotosaurus is only known from partial remains (having even fewer remains than T. rex), but what has been found clearly indicates it was a very large predator. Some estimates put it at a little larger than T. rex, but most tip it slightly smaller.

  • Giganotosaurus lived before T. rex in South America, which was not connected to North America at the time.

  • Like other large meat-eating dinosaurs, Giganotosaurus was thought to have been close to warm-blooded, maintaining a fairly stable body temperature, unlike modern reptiles.

  • Giganotosaurus would have likely had a fairly flexible neck, able to snap at prey quickly.

  • Giganotosaurus had a distinct rough ridge of bone on its skull, extending from its eyes down to its nostrils.

Away Team: Found in Ultimate Dinosaurs

Size: About 40 feet long, possibly weighing up to 14 tons

Era: Cretaceous Period, about 98 million years ago