Meet Diplodocus
Diplodocus had a very long tail that is thought to have been used like a whip to ward off predators.
Although its neck likely could not have been held very high, it seems this dinosaur could actually tip back onto its back legs, using its tail as a tripod to eat from taller branches.
Instead of teeth for chewing, Diplodocus had a row of rake-like teeth that it used to pull off leaves and swallow them whole.
Like some modern birds, Diplodocus swallowed stones to help break down the food in its stomach. These stones are known as gastroliths.
Diplodocus lived alongside Allosaurus and Stegosaurus.
Home Team: Found in Dinosaurs & Fossils Gallery
Size: Over 100 feet long, weighing as much as 15 tons
Era: Jurassic Period, about 150 million years ago