Illustration of Allosaurus dinosaur


Meet Allosaurus

  • Allosaurus was one of the largest predators of its time, long before T. rex ever lived.

  • Allosaurus tooth marks have been found on the bones of several other kinds of dinosaurs, including the very large sauropods (long-necked dinosaurs).

  • Allosaurus could open its jaws really really wide: 79 degrees!

  • Allosaurus seems to have been able to reach top speeds of 34 miles per hour.

  • Allosaurus were hardy animals. One individual named ‘Big Al’ had 19 different injuries, including a broken foot that it lived with for up to six months.

Home Team: Found in Dinosaurs & Fossils Gallery

Size: Up to 32 feet long, possibly over 2 tons

Era: Jurassic Period, about 150 million years ago