A woman’s blouse made from a single piece of off-white cotton cloth which has been hemmed across its bottom edges and sewn together along the side selvages with green and orange embroidery floss. An opening was left at the top of the side seams to act as armholes. The blouse has a square cut neckline at the center top of the garment. The neck and arm openings have edges which are decorated with stripes of a satin stitch type embroidery in purple, orange, pink, brown, red, yellow orange, blue-green and yellow. The same colors were used to embroider two vertical stripes, running from the top to the bottom of the garment, equally spaced between the sleeves and the center of the blouse.
Catalog Number: A89:1:14
Object Name: Shirt
- Length: 63.0 cm
- Width: 73.30 cm
World Region: North America
Culture Area: Mesoamerica
Date Made: Circa 1989