A woman's huipil with vertical warp stripes in white, orange, purple, and red stripes. The pattern of warp stripes are as follows: 112 white, 2 red, 2. Yellow, 40 red, 4 white, 16 red/yellow alternating, 2 blue, 4 white, 40 red, 2 yellow, 2 red, 2 blue, 12 red/yellow alternating, 2 blue, 12 red/yellow alternation, 2 blue, repeat. The huipil is decorated with brocade on the shoulders as well as in rows of isolated motifs across the chest and back. The designs brocaded on this piece include sapo (toad), mano (hand), florecita (little flower), gusano (worm), mariposa (butterfly). The shoulders are brocaded with a nok balom (tiger’s paw) design. The brocading is done in red, pink, yellow, blue, green, orange, and purple. Some of the blue at the center of the piece is fading. Yellow zig-zag stitches are used on the joinings.
Catalog Number: A77:1:9
Object Name: Shirt
- Artist: Maria Lopez Gomez
- Length: 62.20 cm
- Width: 83.80 cm
World Region: North America
Culture Area: Mesoamerica