Iggy lizard statue at the Education Entrance

Education Commons Geography

The Education Entrance is used primarily by visiting school groups and those attending camps or classes at the museum.

Education Entrance

The museum’s Education Entrance is located off North Chestnut Street. Drivers turn right into a circular driveway. Vehicles can drop-off directly in front of the entrance. The doors are located approximately 100 feet to the east from the drop-off location. The entrance has no exterior or interior steps.

(Quick note: the Science Museum is built into a bluff on the bank of the Mississippi River. From an orientation perspective, this means the main entrance and lobby are located near the top of the museum and the exhibit spaces are built at and below the lobby level, along the side of the bluff. The Science Museum’s Education Entrance is located on the second floor.)

Education Commons

The Education Commons are located on the second floor of the museum, just inside the Education Entrance. The Education Commons is laid out in a rough L shape. The Education Entrance doors are located on the foot of the L, where the two sides meet. The remainder of the foot of the L is a large multi-use space. School groups eat lunch here. Camps and classes use the space for a variety of purposes. Classrooms nine through twelve are located along the top of the foot of the L.

Directly to the left, on the rise of the L where the two sides meet, to your left as you enter through the Education Entrance, are bathrooms.

Continuing along the left wall of the rise of the L are classrooms one through six. The right wall of the rise of the L is home to the Learning Technologies Center, the Kitty Andersen Youth Science Center, and Classrooms seven and eight.

Directly at the top of the L are the Exhibit Elevators, which lead to the exhibit galleries on floors three, four, and five.